Restoring a Databases that features tserach2
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Fischer Ulrich
2004-04-22 08:55:06 UTC

I'm trying to restore tsearch2 featuring database like discribed in the
'tsearch-V2-intro' document.


In point '5) Restore the data for the database' I get the following Error:

pg_restore: ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint
CONTEXT: COPY pg_ts_dict, line 1: "simple 215247 \N 215248
Simple example of dictionary."
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] error returned by PQendcopy
pg_restore: *** aborted because of error

Does anybody have some experience in this task?


Ulrich G. Fischer Dipl. Natw. ETH
Center Aerodynamics Ruag Aerospace
P.O. Box 301 CH-6032 Emmen
Tel. +41 41 268 23 53 Fax. +41 41 268 38 97
***@aerodynamics.ch www.ruag.com

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Oleg Bartunov
2004-04-22 13:33:55 UTC

probable scenario:

after step 3. you have tables pg_ts_* and when you restore your database
you tried to insert duplicated data.
I recommend to see remove any entries related to pg_ts_* tables.

Some additional infos to my problem
Old System: Postgresql 7.3.2
New System: Postgresql 7.4.1
pg_dump (PostgreSQL) 7.3.2
(pg_dumpall -g GLOBALobjects.sql)
pg_dump -s DATABASE > DBschema.sql
pg_dump -Fc DATABASE > DBdata.tar
psql (PostgreSQL) 7.4.1
1. createdb DATABASE
2. (psql DATABASE < GLOBALobjects.sql)
3. psql DATABASE < tsearch2.sql
3.a. psql DATABASE < setup_ge_ispell.sql
4. psql DATABASE < DBschema.sql
5. pg_restore -N -a -v -d DATABASE DBdata.tar
There is no difference when dumped with "pg_dump (PostgreSQL) 7.4.1". I
get the same error. When I do not update the dict-settings
(setup_ge_ispell.sql) I can not even restore the other datas.
How exactly is the dump created and the restore started ?
Post by Fischer Ulrich
I'm trying to restore tsearch2 featuring database like discribed in the
'tsearch-V2-intro' document.
pg_restore: ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint
CONTEXT: COPY pg_ts_dict, line 1: "simple 215247 \N 215248
Simple example of dictionary."
pg_restore: [archiver (db)] error returned by PQendcopy
pg_restore: *** aborted because of error
Does anybody have some experience in this task?
Oleg Bartunov, sci.researcher, hostmaster of AstroNet,
Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow University (Russia)
Internet: ***@sai.msu.su, http://www.sai.msu.su/~megera/
phone: +007(095)939-16-83, +007(095)939-23-83

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TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
joining column's datatypes do not match
Tom Lane
2004-04-22 13:47:47 UTC
pg_dump (PostgreSQL) 7.3.2
(pg_dumpall -g GLOBALobjects.sql)
pg_dump -s DATABASE > DBschema.sql
pg_dump -Fc DATABASE > DBdata.tar
psql (PostgreSQL) 7.4.1
1. createdb DATABASE
2. (psql DATABASE < GLOBALobjects.sql)
3. psql DATABASE < tsearch2.sql
3.a. psql DATABASE < setup_ge_ispell.sql
4. psql DATABASE < DBschema.sql
5. pg_restore -N -a -v -d DATABASE DBdata.tar
This is certainly not going to work because the dump from the old
database will already have all the tsearch2 objects, not to mention
whatever setup_ge_ispell.sql may create. You should get rid of steps
3 and 3a.
There is no difference when dumped with "pg_dump (PostgreSQL) 7.4.1". I
get the same error. When I do not update the dict-settings
(setup_ge_ispell.sql) I can not even restore the other datas.
If you're still having trouble, try dropping the -N option to pg_restore.
I don't know why that option even exists ... there is no practical use
to it AFAIK.

regards, tom lane

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TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Tom Lane
2004-04-22 15:32:57 UTC
Post by Tom Lane
This is certainly not going to work because the dump from the old
database will already have all the tsearch2 objects, not to mention
whatever setup_ge_ispell.sql may create. You should get rid of steps
3 and 3a.
ERROR: type "tsvector" does not exist
Yeah, not surprising if you used ALTER TABLE to add a tsvector column
to a table created before you'd loaded tsearch2 into the database.
The dump will create the objects in the wrong order.

This whole class of problems should be gone in 7.5, since CVS-tip
pg_dump understands dependencies properly. As a short-term workaround
I'd suggest using "pg_dump -Fc db" as the source data and manually
adjusting the load order with pg_restore's -L option. The
separate-schema-and-data approach is not very good since it's a lot
slower to load large databases that way.

regards, tom lane

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TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings
