How to install plperl on Windows?
(too old to reply)
Werner Bohl
2004-09-28 22:48:44 UTC

Hope someone can help me with this. Installed
postgresql-8.0-beta2-dev3.msi, then installed Perl 5.8: activeperl5.8.4.
When issuing a createlang plperl <DB_NAME> it errs with:
createlang: Language installation failed: ERROR could not load library
"C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\8.0-beta2-dev3\lib\plperl.dll": ERROR.

Perl @ PostgreSQL bin directories are in the path.

Werner Bohl <***@infutor.com>
Infutor de Costa Rica S.A.

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TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend
Magnus Hagander
2004-09-29 08:24:20 UTC
Post by Werner Bohl
Hope someone can help me with this. Installed
createlang: Language installation failed: ERROR could not
load library "C:\Program
Files\PostgreSQL\8.0-beta2-dev3\lib\plperl.dll": ERROR.
Have you rebooted your machine after installing ActivePerl? If nto, you
will need to do that. The environment in a service only gets updated on
startup, and this includes the PATH variable.

If you have, or try and it still doesn't work, please try using
DEPENDS.EXE (available in your Windows 2000/2003/XP support tools on the
CD if you haven't already installed them) on plperl.dll to see if it can
resolve all externals (it will show you an erro rmessage and some nice
icons if something is broken)


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