Hi Duane,
It seems it is not:
mxl=# show search_path;
(1 row)
mxl=# select current_schema(), current_user;
current_schema | current_user
public | postgres
(1 row)
mxl=# select * from pg_class where relname = 'mxl_quar_process'; select
* from mxl_quar_process limit 1;
relname | relnamespace | reltype | relowner | relam | relfilenode |
relpages | reltuples | reltoastrelid | reltoastidxid | relhasindex |
relisshared | relkind | relnatts | relchecks | reltriggers | relukeys |
relfkeys | relrefs | relhasoids | relhaspkey | relhasrules |
relhassubclass | relacl
(0 rows)
quar_id | customer_id | domain_id | user_id | host_id |
path | module |
attempts | state | created
2012787039 | 8022315 | 8022316 | 20018272 | 7953027 |
.021.p01m183-8022316-20018272-0.zip.enc | keyword | 0 | 1 |
2004-01-09 23:49:44.056513-07
(1 row)
Also, when I do:
pg_dump -U postgres -f 615.dump
pg_dump: invalid adnum value 5 for table mxl_user_wbl
mxl=# \d mxl_user_wbl
Table "public.mxl_user_wbl"
Column | Type | Modifiers
user_id | integer | not null
sender | character varying(128) | not null
action | integer |
created | timestamp with time zone | default
('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with time zone
Indexes: mxl_user_wbl_pkey primary key btree (user_wbl_id),
mxl_user_wbl_uid_action_idx btree (user_id, "action")
Foreign Key constraints: mxl_user_wbl_uid_fkey FOREIGN KEY (user_id)
Triggers: mxl_user_wbl_u_trg
I know mxl_user_wbl is not same as mxl_quar_process, but this pg_dump
error causes our
production database backup failed!
Please help!
Thank you!
-----Original Message-----
From: Duane Lee - EGOVX [mailto:***@mail.maricopa.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 9:22 AM
To: Lee Wu; Tom Lane
Cc: pgsql-***@postgresql.org
Subject: RE: [ADMIN] table not shown
Could this be a schema issue?
-----Original Message-----
From: Lee Wu [mailto:***@mxlogic.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 6:56 AM
To: Tom Lane
Cc: pgsql-***@postgresql.org
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] table not shown
Here is screen shot:
Welcome to psql 7.3.2, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
Type: \copyright for distribution terms
\h for help with SQL commands
\? for help on internal slash commands
\g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
\q to quit
mxl=# \d mxl_quar_process
Did not find any relation named "mxl_quar_process".
mxl=# \dt mxl_quar_process
No matching relations found.
mxl=# select * from pg_class where relname = 'mxl_quar_process';
relname | relnamespace | reltype | relowner | relam | relfilenode |
relpages | reltuples | reltoastrelid | reltoastidxid | relhasindex |
relisshared | relkind | relnatts | relchecks | reltriggers | relukeys |
relfkeys | relrefs | relhasoids | relhaspkey | relhasrules |
relhassubclass | relacl
(0 rows)
mxl=# select * from mxl_quar_process limit 1;
quar_id | customer_id | domain_id | user_id | host_id |
path | module |
attempts | state | created
2012787039 | 8022315 | 8022316 | 20018272 | 7953027 |
.021.p01m183-8022316-20018272-0.zip.enc | keyword | 0 | 1 |
2004-01-09 23:49:44.056513-07
(1 row)
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Lane [mailto:***@sss.pgh.pa.us]
Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2004 6:44 AM
To: Lee Wu
Cc: pgsql-***@postgresql.org
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] table not shown
Post by Lee WuWe have table is database which cannot be displayed by
either \d, or \dt or pg_class.
But we can select, DML on it.
You could not possibly be selecting from it if it's not in pg_class.
I expect this is pilot error on your part, but there's not enough info
here to guess just what. Could you show exact examples of a successful
select, the other inquiries you tried, and exactly what you got from
regards, tom lane
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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