2004-05-10 10:20:31 UTC
Hi everybody,
Sorry if it's not the good forum and for my poor English.
I'm trying to create a new type in C for postgreSQL (7.3.4).
This type is a structure of 4 fields including a variable length field.
When I try to insert record ino a table using this type, postgre server
LOG: server process (pid 10838) was terminated by signal 11
LOG: terminating any other active server processes
WARNING: Message from PostgreSQL backend:
The Postmaster has informed me that some other backend
died abnormally and possibly corrupted shared memory.
I have rolled back the current transaction and am
going to terminate your database system connection and exit.
Please reconnect to the database system and repeat your query.
WARNING: Message from PostgreSQL backend:
The Postmaster has informed me that some other backend
died abnormally and possibly corrupted shared memory.
I have rolled back the current transaction and am
going to terminate your database system connection and exit.
Please reconnect to the database system and repeat your query.
WARNING: Message from PostgreSQL backend:
The Postmaster has informed me that some other backend
died abnormally and possibly corrupted shared memory.
I have rolled back the current transaction and am
going to terminate your database system connection and exit.
Please reconnect to the database system and repeat your query.
LOG: all server processes terminated; reinitializing shared memory and
LOG: database system was interrupted at 2004-05-10 12:25:55 CEST
LOG: checkpoint record is at 0/627BE1DC
LOG: redo record is at 0/627BE1DC; undo record is at 0/0; shutdown TRUE
LOG: next transaction id: 2026530; next oid: 342157
LOG: database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in
LOG: redo starts at 0/627BE21C
LOG: ReadRecord: record with zero length at 0/627DD5F4
LOG: redo done at 0/627DD5D0
LOG: database system is ready
Does anybody can help me ???
Thanks for your answers,
This is the C code:
#include "postgres.h"
#define KEY_SIZE 31
typedef struct {
int4 globalSize;
int64 fileSize;
char fileKey[KEY_SIZE + 1];
char fileName[1];
} Psfile;
#define PSFILE_BASIC_SIZE (4 + sizeof(int64) + KEY_SIZE + 1)
* char *str : string representation of a psfile.
* must be formatted as follow :
* xxx,yyy,zzz
* with xxx : the name of the file
* yyy : the size of the file
* zzz : the key associated with the file.
Psfile *psfile_in(char *str) {
Psfile *retValue = NULL;
int nameSize = 0;
// In first, we look for the size of the name
for(nameSize = 0; str[nameSize] != ',' && str[nameSize] != 0;
nameSize++) {
// Nothing to do in this block...
if(str[nameSize] == 0) {
// We are at the end of the string... Something is wrong!!
elog(ERROR, "psfile_in: string representation of a psfile :
name,size,key \"%s\"", str);
return NULL;
// Now, we have the size, so we can allocate memory for the global
retValue = (Psfile *)palloc(PSFILE_BASIC_SIZE + nameSize + 1);
char format[15];
sprintf(format, "%%%ds,%%li,%%s", nameSize);
char *fileName = retValue->fileName;
char *fileKey = retValue->fileKey;
int64 *fileSize = &(retValue->fileSize);
if(sscanf(str, format, fileName, fileSize, fileKey) != 3) {
// Something is wrong : the number of parameters found must
be 3
elog(ERROR, "psfile_in: string representation of a psfile :
name,size,key \"%s\"", str);
return NULL;
return retValue;
char *psfile_out(Psfile *psfile) {
elog(LOG, "psfile_out");
if(psfile == NULL) return NULL;
char *retValue = NULL;
char size[30];
sprintf(size, "%ld", psfile->fileSize);
retValue = (char *)palloc(strlen(psfile->fileName) + 1 +
strlen(size) + 1 + strlen(psfile->fileKey) + 1);
sprintf(retValue, "%s,%s,%s", psfile->fileName, size,
return retValue;
And this is the type declaration :
CREATE FUNCTION psfile_in(cstring)
RETURNS psfile
AS '/usr/include/pgsql/server/pslib/pslib'
CREATE FUNCTION psfile_out(psfile)
RETURNS cstring
AS '/usr/include/pgsql/server/pslib/pslib'
internallength = valiable,
input = psfile_in,
output = psfile_out,
alignment = int4
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend
Sorry if it's not the good forum and for my poor English.
I'm trying to create a new type in C for postgreSQL (7.3.4).
This type is a structure of 4 fields including a variable length field.
When I try to insert record ino a table using this type, postgre server
LOG: server process (pid 10838) was terminated by signal 11
LOG: terminating any other active server processes
WARNING: Message from PostgreSQL backend:
The Postmaster has informed me that some other backend
died abnormally and possibly corrupted shared memory.
I have rolled back the current transaction and am
going to terminate your database system connection and exit.
Please reconnect to the database system and repeat your query.
WARNING: Message from PostgreSQL backend:
The Postmaster has informed me that some other backend
died abnormally and possibly corrupted shared memory.
I have rolled back the current transaction and am
going to terminate your database system connection and exit.
Please reconnect to the database system and repeat your query.
WARNING: Message from PostgreSQL backend:
The Postmaster has informed me that some other backend
died abnormally and possibly corrupted shared memory.
I have rolled back the current transaction and am
going to terminate your database system connection and exit.
Please reconnect to the database system and repeat your query.
LOG: all server processes terminated; reinitializing shared memory and
LOG: database system was interrupted at 2004-05-10 12:25:55 CEST
LOG: checkpoint record is at 0/627BE1DC
LOG: redo record is at 0/627BE1DC; undo record is at 0/0; shutdown TRUE
LOG: next transaction id: 2026530; next oid: 342157
LOG: database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery in
LOG: redo starts at 0/627BE21C
LOG: ReadRecord: record with zero length at 0/627DD5F4
LOG: redo done at 0/627DD5D0
LOG: database system is ready
Does anybody can help me ???
Thanks for your answers,
This is the C code:
#include "postgres.h"
#define KEY_SIZE 31
typedef struct {
int4 globalSize;
int64 fileSize;
char fileKey[KEY_SIZE + 1];
char fileName[1];
} Psfile;
#define PSFILE_BASIC_SIZE (4 + sizeof(int64) + KEY_SIZE + 1)
* char *str : string representation of a psfile.
* must be formatted as follow :
* xxx,yyy,zzz
* with xxx : the name of the file
* yyy : the size of the file
* zzz : the key associated with the file.
Psfile *psfile_in(char *str) {
Psfile *retValue = NULL;
int nameSize = 0;
// In first, we look for the size of the name
for(nameSize = 0; str[nameSize] != ',' && str[nameSize] != 0;
nameSize++) {
// Nothing to do in this block...
if(str[nameSize] == 0) {
// We are at the end of the string... Something is wrong!!
elog(ERROR, "psfile_in: string representation of a psfile :
name,size,key \"%s\"", str);
return NULL;
// Now, we have the size, so we can allocate memory for the global
retValue = (Psfile *)palloc(PSFILE_BASIC_SIZE + nameSize + 1);
char format[15];
sprintf(format, "%%%ds,%%li,%%s", nameSize);
char *fileName = retValue->fileName;
char *fileKey = retValue->fileKey;
int64 *fileSize = &(retValue->fileSize);
if(sscanf(str, format, fileName, fileSize, fileKey) != 3) {
// Something is wrong : the number of parameters found must
be 3
elog(ERROR, "psfile_in: string representation of a psfile :
name,size,key \"%s\"", str);
return NULL;
return retValue;
char *psfile_out(Psfile *psfile) {
elog(LOG, "psfile_out");
if(psfile == NULL) return NULL;
char *retValue = NULL;
char size[30];
sprintf(size, "%ld", psfile->fileSize);
retValue = (char *)palloc(strlen(psfile->fileName) + 1 +
strlen(size) + 1 + strlen(psfile->fileKey) + 1);
sprintf(retValue, "%s,%s,%s", psfile->fileName, size,
return retValue;
And this is the type declaration :
CREATE FUNCTION psfile_in(cstring)
RETURNS psfile
AS '/usr/include/pgsql/server/pslib/pslib'
CREATE FUNCTION psfile_out(psfile)
RETURNS cstring
AS '/usr/include/pgsql/server/pslib/pslib'
internallength = valiable,
input = psfile_in,
output = psfile_out,
alignment = int4
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend