2004-02-04 16:38:08 UTC
I actually try to insert varchar which length is higher than 32 in a column
which type is varchar(32). I can't change the type of the column, and I
want to trunc the data. I know it's possible ! I have seen this !
Example : "j'aime les saucisses avec du beurre dedans" will be "j'aime les
saucisses avec du beu". For the moment it produces a SQL Error !
Is it an option in the config files ?
I'm using Postgresql 7.2.2.
Thanks in advance.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings
I actually try to insert varchar which length is higher than 32 in a column
which type is varchar(32). I can't change the type of the column, and I
want to trunc the data. I know it's possible ! I have seen this !
Example : "j'aime les saucisses avec du beurre dedans" will be "j'aime les
saucisses avec du beu". For the moment it produces a SQL Error !
Is it an option in the config files ?
I'm using Postgresql 7.2.2.
Thanks in advance.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings